Extensive scientific research on Mate’s benefits


It’s believed that the Guaraní people first discovered the health benefits of Yerba Mate around 3,000 B.C. Since then, people who have adopted the ritual of drinking Mate, consistently report back benefits such as increased energy and metabolism, improved concentration and cognitive function, as well as better digestion of foods. In recent years, these anecdotal claims have been proven true through a large and growing body of research and clinical studies.

Interestingly, most recent studies point to benefits in energy and mood management, as well as improving gut health:

Mate, as a very special plant that stimulates neurons and promotes brain activity, conscious awareness, memory and reasoning. It also contains xanthines, theobromine and theophylline, whose relaxing effects help regulate all body systems. So it seems that yerba Mate’s restorative effect on mind and body is preferable to other drinks containing caffeine as it has a double effect: both stimulating and relaxing at the same time.

Drinking Mate throughout the day can be energizing and stimulating but it does not affect the quality of your sleep and rest. 

Click HERE to access an incredible 44 pages of links to clinical trials and scientific research on Yerba Mate and its proven health and human performance benefits.


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